Friday, 23 January 2015

Winter Painting

Winter Painting - January 20 and 23rd

We have had a much better winter in Winnipeg so far as compared to last winter. Through the xmas season and just the last few days, the weather has been unseasonably warm; hovering around 0 degrees.

I was scheduled to paint indoors today with a friend but due to a cancellation, I found myself wondering whether I should take advantage of the +4 degree temperature outside. I didn't have a car available so I decided to take my plein-air gear out in the backyard. I have a large berm in my backyard to shield us against the noise of the main CN line which runs right behind our house and yard. It gives  a great vantage point for the developing shopping, condo and restaurants going up behind our house.

In addition to the weather being great, I also have some new equipment. I have been painting using a Judson's pochade box which I enjoy using. To streamline the weight and size of my box, I ordered a new STRADA box in December. I had used it indoors 3 or 4 times but until this week, hadn't taken it out in the "field". The first session outdoors was at Assiniboine Park on Tuesday morning.
Today's session felt much more comfortable than the previous session on Tuesday. I believe that's due to the difference in temperature. It was at least 5 degrees warmer and above 0 which meant I could take my mitts off once and awhile to do things like the setup of my tripod/easel.  My toes still became cold today but still not as cold as the Tuesday session. I have not yet tried to stand on a mat; I've heard that that helps keep your feet warm.

Condo Construction - Friday morning

Today's subject was very appealing to me. It was of the condo development which is underway. You can see the condo off to the right with the green Hydro boxes in front. One of the cranes is suggested in the distance. I liked the bands of snow and grass which were in front of the condo construction. The sky looks a bit dark but this probably has a lot to do with the fact that I was painting on a very dark support; one of my many painted with Venetian red.  I had very few colors on my palette; white, transparent red oxide, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, and cad yellow.

Setup at Assiniboine Park - Tuesday afternoon
Assiniboine Park Duck Pond - Tuesday afternoon
A good view of my STRADA easel - Tuesday afternoon

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